Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition “HARVEST”
TURNER DINER and Art Roji Katahira, Kanagawa, 2022

10月30日〜12月11日まで、神奈川県川崎市にあるハンバーガーレストラン、TURNER DINERと片平川沿いに併設された屋外ギャラリー、アートロジ片平にて同時開催した。「HARVEST」はアメリカ人養蜂家、エリック・ボシックの養蜂からミードの製造までの一連の仕事、そして彼が育てるミツバチや収穫するハチミツの儚さや美しさを記録した作品である。TURNER DINERでは17点展示、アートロジ片平では2週間ごとに「Bee and Honey」「Mead」「Eric Bossick」の3テーマに分けて展示した。

今回の写真展は写真専門ギャラリーではなく、飲食店及び屋外ギャラリーと、渡辺にとって初めての「場」での展示だった。TURNER DINERでの展示はハンバーガーを食べながら、あるいはエリック・ボシックが作ったミードを飲みながら作品を観賞していただく「食」と「写真」との融合。一方アートロジ片平では、時間帯によって作品の色や明るさが変わったり、あるいは雨が降ったり、天候によって作品の見え方が変化する「自然」と「写真」が融合する展示となった。

From October 30th to December 11th, it was held simultaneously at the hamburger restaurant "TURNER DINER" in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and the outdoor gallery "Art Roji Katahira" installed along the Katahira River. “HARVEST” is the photography series documenting the work of American Beekeeper Eric Bossick, from beekeeping to mead making, the fragility and beauty of the bees he raises and the honey he harvests. Seventeen works were exhibited at TURNER DINER, and at Art Roji Katahira, the works were divided into three themes, "Bee and Honey," "Mead," and "Eric Bossick," every two weeks.

This photo exhibition was not held at a gallery specializing in photography, but at a restaurant and outdoor gallery, which were first "venues" as his exhibition. The exhibition at TURNER DINER was a fusion of "food" and "photography", where you can view the works while eating a hamburger or drinking mead made by Eric Bossick. On the other hand, at Art Roji Katahira, the exhibition was a fusion of "nature" and "photography", where the colors and brightness of the works change depending on the time of day, or the appearance of the works changes depending on the weather, such as rain.

Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition “Buena Vista”
JCII Club25, Tokyo, 2021

6月1日から6日間、 JCIIクラブ25にて開催。タイトルの「Buena Vista」は「良い眺め」を意味する言語で、2019年に訪れたスペインの村「Buenavista」に紐付いている。会場にはブエナヴィスタで撮影した写真と共に、スペインと同じように移動手段として車を使い、関東近郊で撮影した写真を絡めて展示した。


It was held at JCII Club 25 from June 1st for 6 days. The title "Buena Vista" is a language that means "good view" and is associated with "Buenavista" of Spain that I visited in 2019. At the venue, photographs taken in Buenavista and photographs taken in the suburbs of Kanto using a car as a means of transportation as in Spain were exhibited together.

And at the same venue, a photo exhibition "rays" by Akira Naito, my university teacher, was held at the same period. Although we drove together to take pictures, Naito sensei and my works, although shot in the same location, turned out to be completely different images, and I think that the exhibition was able to be viewed from various comparative perspectives, such as monochrome and color, film and digital, and teacher and student.

Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition “Tsuiki Copperware”
Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum, Niigata, 2016



In 2016, he was in charge of photographing the book of "Tsuiki copperware", which is a collection of traditional craft of Tsubame City. In September of the same year, an unrecorded photo was added to the book, and Kazuki Watanave’s Photo Exhibition "Tsuiki Copperware" was held at the Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum.

As an event during the exhibition, “Kazuki Watanave Photo Studio” was held to take pictures of customers with a 4×5 camera Polaroid. Similarly to the 2014 solo exhibition, this exhibition was also an opportunity to photograph many hometown people.

Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition “Buta”
Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum, Niigata, 2014


それはまた、故郷を離れてから15年間撮り続けてきたものを故郷の人に披露する場であったと共に、祖父への追悼展となった。なぜなら、個展開催直前の7月6日に祖父が亡くなったからだった。この展示ではB GALLERYでの展示作品に加え、「豚」のバックグラウンドになっている笠原精肉店やその跡地での祖父母の写真、また祖父が使用していた包丁や研ぎ棒も合わせて展示した。

会期中のイベントとして、B GALLERYキュレーターの藤木洋介氏、燕市産業史料館学芸員の齋藤優介氏とトークショーを開催。また、4×5カメラのポラロイドでお客さんを撮影する「渡辺一城写真館」を燕市産業史料館で初開催した。

Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition "Buta" held at the Tsubame Industrial Meterials Museum was for him the first solo exhibition in his hometown.

It was an occasion to show his hometown people what he had been shooting for 15 years since he left, and it was also a memorial exhibition for his grandfather, who died on July 6th before the solo exhibition. In this exhibition, in addition to the works exhibited at B GALLERY, a photo of Kasahara butcher shop which exists as a background of "Buta", a photo of the grandparents at the site, and the kitchen knife and sharpening stick used by his grandfather were also displayed.

As an event during the exhibition, he held a talk show with Curator Yosuke Fujiki of B GALLERY and the Curator Yusuke Saito of Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum. In addition, "Kazuki Watanave Photo Studio" was held for the first time at the Tsubame Industrial Materials Museum, where customers were photographed with a 4x5 camera Polaroid.

Kazuki Watanave Photo Exhibition “Buta”
B GALLERY, Tokyo, 2013

2013年6月、渡辺一城のライフワークである「豚」の初個展を新宿BEAMS JAPANのB GALLERYにて開催。また同作品の写真集「人」を同時出版、会場で先行発売した。

渡辺にとってこの作品は、写真展に興味のある人だけでなく、不特定多数の人に見てもらいたいという思いがあった。なぜなら「人として生まれたこと」について、この作品を通して何かしら感じて欲しかったからだ。そのためには、BEAMSのB GALLERYで開催することが、その思いを多くの人に伝えられると考えた。


In June 2013, the first solo exhibition of "Buta", which is Kazuki Watanave's life project, was held at Shinjuku BEAMS JAPAN's B GALLERY. At the same time, a corresponding photo book "Hito" was published and pre-released at the venue.

He wanted this work to be seen by wide range of people, reaching beyond those who are interested in photo exhibitions. Because he wanted them to feel something about "To be born human" through this work. For that purpose, he thought that holding at B GALLERY of BEAMS would convey that feeling to many people.

Talk events were held during the exhibition, notably on June 22 with Anatomist Mr. Takeshi Yoro, on June 29 with Usui Nosan Co.,Ltd. President Kinichi Usui and Designer Hikari Machiguchi.