渡辺一城|Kazuki Watanave
Photograper Kazuki Watanave Official Website
Buena Vista
2年程前、スペインのサラマンカ郊外の高速道路を車で走っていた時に、「Buenavista」の看板が目に入ってきた。反射的に高速を降りて車を走らせて行くと、ペンキで塗ったカラフルな家が並び、その先には非常にシンプルな「良い眺め」が広がっていた。車を走らせては降り、そこで何枚もシャッターを切った。「ここがあの映画の『ブエナビスタ』の舞台なのか」と思ったりもしたが、実は「Buena Vista」は世界各地にある地名だということが後から分かった。意味を調べてみると、Buenaは「良い」、Vistaは「眺め」「視界」といった視覚的な意味の他に、(過去への)回想、(未来への)展望のように、何か目掛けて直線的に向かうようなイメージを持つ言語であることが分かった。
同じく2年程前から、大学の恩師である内藤明先生と車に乗って写真を撮りに行くようになった。行き先は東京から片道2時間程の関東近郊に行くことが多い。車内にはいつも先生のお気に入りのジャズが流れている。居心地の良い空間で先生と話をしていると、あっという間に現地に着く。「1時間後にここに集合で。」これが現地での先生との決まり文句である。様々な箇所を車で周り、日が暮れるまで「Buena Vista」を探し求めている。
About two years ago, when I was driving on a highway in the suburbs of Salamanca, Spain, I saw the sign "Buenavista." Instinctively, I got off the highway. As I continued driving, I saw colorful painted houses lined up, and beyond that a very simple "good view." I stopped the car and got off. Then, I captured several photographs. I wondered if this place was the setting for the movie "Buena Vista," but I later learned that "Buena Vista" actually is a place name which exists all over the world. Looking up the meaning, it turned out that Buena means "good," and that Vista, in addition to the visual significations such as "view" and "vision," connotes going towards something, such as recalling (the past) and prospecting (the future).
It somehow linked to my photos.
It was also about two years ago, that my university teacher, Akira Naito and me began to go taking pictures by car. The destination is often within the Kanto area, about two hours away from Tokyo. His favorite jazz is always playing in the car. As I am talking with him in the cozy space, we seem to arrive at the destination in no time. "Let’s meet up here after an hour." This is our shooting pattern. We drive around various places and I look for "Buena Vista" until the sunset.
When I am driving on the highway with him, it sometimes recalls me Spain of that time.
I am deeply grateful to Akira Naito sensei for recommending me to rent a car in Spain.
Kazuki Watanave